Family Constellations Workshop Saturday 24th May

Family Constellations Workshop Saturday 24th May 2014

Personal issues workshop

There will be no specific theme this month – we will work with whatever emerges out of the group on the day.  However, I leave you with a quote from The Book of Colour: a family memoir by Julia Blackburn.

Starnberg Lake

As an adult the writer visits the family home where she grew up as a child – she walks around inside the house. Her thoughts turn to her father and fragments of memory come …

“….. but for the moment I am in the house in which he grew up and for the moment it’s as if I  have become him as a child, stepping into his skin and staring around me with his eyes. I wonder if that makes sense.

Is it possible to inherit memories just as well as the colour of eyes and hair, the shape of lip or nostril? Is it possible that I can seem to remember my father’s childhood as if it was something I had experienced myself, and could this process be allowed to move back through the generations as far as a person wished to take it? Could I choose to remember my grandfather’s childhood even though he never told me anything about it; perhaps never told anyone once he had left it behind?”

For us working within the family constellations field the answer would be yes – this is exactly the space that we work in – backwards and forwards, through time and with the memories and experiences of the family system. Looking at and acknowledging what happened in the past and being freed to move fully into the present.

Using the family constellations modality, following the impulse of new movements, you will step out of your old story and so enable movement towards physical ease, re-connection and resolution.

This one day family constellations workshop will provide a space for participants to work on individual issues. For others in the workshop, attending the day as a representative is in itself a rich gift.

Date: Saturday 24th May
Time: 08:30 – 17:00
Venue: Muizenberg

Cost: R700 to set own constellation
R300 for those representing

Registration and Booking for one day workshop 24th May