Family Constellation Workshop with The Inner Process
Love & Connections
Exploring the many layers of love through connection
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
W.H. Auden
Come and travel with us, through the timelines of life and and explore the many different ways to love and be loved.

As promised, a continued exploration in this year of 2019, of love, its layers, its simplicity of being and complexity of emotion, so often a word unspoken in its fullness of breadth and depth.
The warp and the weft and the weight of love. The joy and the sorrow and the loss of love. Loved and unloved. And all the layers that lie within and between these timelines of past and present experiences of being.
The true compass, the measure of the connections to the world and especially to another, is the heart. Expansion, contraction, opening, closing, through connection.
We are connected to ourselves, to others and to the world, through love, sometimes returned, and sometimes not. (How to love a star who does not love back? We learn about love in so many different ways).
The Resonance of Love
Barbara Fredrickson (cited in Brain Pickings) talks of “The neurobiology of how the warmest emotion expands your sense of self and blurs the boundaries between you and not-you.”
She describes the neurobiological interactions of emotion, conversations between body, brain and heart. What helps to step into these interactions rather than be “ruled” by them, is an awareness of these very interactions.
Love through connection
That these overlapping groupings of living systems are connected, allows us to work with ourselves within our generational families. Allows you to access that deeply buried imaged sense of you and your family, will allow that image of your family, that deep inner picture to emerge.
The knowing and not knowing of who we are and where we come from, allowing what is hidden to be revealed, so that love may flow more easily.
The Workshop
In this workshop setting, as we explore by sensing and feeling our way into the complexities and textures of love, we will be held by energy and the generosity of the group, as we travel through the many layers of this thing called love.
As always, this 13th April workshop offers 4 places for those wanting to work on a personal issue by setting up a constellation. With many more places for representatives to attend.
Atlantic Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town
9:00 for 9:30 – 17:00
This April workshop is the second of 3 open workshops, that can be attended if you are new to this work and wanting to book a place on a Deep Learning Group weekend.
Find upcoming Workshop & Deep Learning Group dates & fees listed on the Bookings page.
Experiential Learning
These 2-Day Deep Learning Groups offer tools for creating space for intimate exploration of self, self in the family system, and exploration of the space that we occupy in the world. Learn more
If there is a need for financial assistance please contact through The Inner Process contacts page.
Until we meet within the work,
Robyn Lewis