Family Constellation Learning with The Inner Process
The Spaces Between
‘… an image held in the trance of time’
Quote from But Beautiful: a book about jazz, by Geoff Dyer
We will journey together into the unknown. We will climb up into knowing and down into ravines of rough, unknown terrain. We will journey through layers of time, through images “held in the trance of time”, past and present.

Here is the whole of that quote above from Geoff Dyer’s book, But Beautiful: a book about Jazz (p63):
‘A photograph is an image held in the trance of time.’
Geoff Dyer talks of the movement that is so often contained in a photograph, what he describes as,
‘… the felt duration of the picture extends several seconds either side of that frozen moment to include – or so it seems – what has just happened or is about to happen ….’
We will explore living images ‘held in the trance of time’, the frozen, stuckness of families, of relationships, of systems. Together we will learn how to develop and deepen a fine observation, to see an impulse for movement, to hear the echo of voices; to feel emotional textures and resonance of past events and discover how they continue to impact systems in the present.
Deepening understanding
Learning how to deepen our understanding of the world through a systemic awareness of that world. Practicing how to access the knowledge that all systems hold; how to access the systemic knowledge that would deepen an understanding of the system, whether family, organisation, environment.
We will experience how they feel; what changes the quality and texture of a connection? What changes the balance of a family system, what may be ‘out of order’? We will learn how to dance with a system, feel the rhythm, feel the texture of the connections, uncovering the innate creative wisdom within a system.
Deepening intuitive understanding
We will go beyond technique to that layer of knowing that lies beneath the surface, beneath the ‘story’ entering into a deep and intimate intuitive knowing, beautifully described in the ancient words of Chinese philosophy as the Penetrating Divine Illumination. In other words with awareness, presence, a deep intuition and fine observation.
We will quite simply explore the art of constellations.
The learning of this art will be experiential and will have a focus on the cracks in between, the creative energy at the edges of the overlaps of quantum physics (just a dip!), energy, fiction, film, morphic resonance, systems, and some Chinese philosophy.
‘…through experiencing how to access information through our bodies, without words, through our senses, through deep observation and aware connections to ourselves and each other. Learning how to ‘see’ the invisible, how to uncover what is not ordinarily ‘seen’ in our usual surface day-to-day living.’
Bert Hellinger and the history
We will also cover the history and development of this work by Bert Hellinger, and also look at the streams of therapeutic work from others that flowed into and informed his work.
Who are these groups for?
The Groups are for those who already have some experience of Family Constellations work through attending open workshops (if you are wanting to attend and have not yet experienced the work, please contact me to book a session before registering for the weekend).
This space is also for practicing facilitators to deepen their own work in the field, and to explore the wider systemic constellations field.
The commitment to connect and begin know each other allows a deep and trusting container to be co-created for whatever personal or group work that may emerge during the sessions.
Feedback from participant 2013 (formerly named Study Groups):
‘In addition to being highly influential for my personal growth, the study group work has been very significant for professional development. It has given me some ideas how I can use existing skills in art with essential techniques introduced to us …’
Details & Venue
This is the final weekend in the 2018 series of Deep Learning Groups. A new series will begin in 2019.
The Forge, 12 Windsor Road, Kalk Bay, Cape Town
Saturday 09:00 for 9:30 -17:00
Sunday 09:00 for 09:30 -16:00 (earlier finish time)
Full fee is R1,000 for each weekend.
A commitment to attend on both days is a requirement
Registration Deep Learning Groups November 24-25
For more information contact Robyn through The Inner Process contacts page:
Until we meet,