Family Constellations Workshop 23rd July Cape Town

One Day Family Constellations Workshop with The Inner Process

Entanglements of love, loyalty and identification

You may have experienced times when even your closet friendships have felt prickly and uncomfortable. As for negotiating conflicts with your intimate partner or your children, well, that can be even more demanding.

Above the inner landscape                       Image: SteinarLaEngeland

Family constellations offer you a way of working with a personal issue that allows the hidden bonds that exist within families and intimate groups to be revealed.

These bonds of loyalty and love or identification are unconscious ties, or as Bert Hellinger would say, entanglements, that bind individuals to the family system and distort the balance and flow of energy and love within the family.

Date: Saturday 23rd July 2016
Time: 9:30 to 18:00
Venue: Muizenberg, Cape Town

Fee: R900 for those setting up a constellation
R300 for those representing / observing
R150 for regular representing

We will together work with your personal issue that is very often embedded in the past. We will work with the innate wisdom of your generational family ‘field’ of information and slowly uncover what has been hidden. A way opens for movements towards resolving the old destructive patterns and bonds. The system will slowly soften and breathe. Love begins to flow.

This one day family constellations workshop will provide a space for participants to work on individual issues. Attending the day as a representative is in itself a rich gift.

For more information of the ‘how’ and of ‘what’ happens in a workshop continue reading …….

Registration & Booking click here