Family Constellations Events September & October 2014

Come and be touched and enriched by the stories and experience of us and others…..of how the heart can open and allow a connection to grow again, of the understanding of what it is to be human in a world where we sometimes feel alone and unsupported.

One Day Family Constellations Workshop 28th September

When Love Flows

In this family constellations workshop we will be attuned to whatever will support a movement, a shift in space, a change. We ask:

What will support love?
What movement will open the space for love to flow again, in the family?
What will support a movement that allows a step towards the future, away from what is stuck in the past?

Using the family constellations modality, following the impulse of new movements, you may more easily step into a new space, a new spaciousness. This external and a felt internal, spaciousness allows a new experiencing of your life, allowing new meanings to grow. These movements continue through the body – towards physical ease, re-connection and resolution.

Sunday 28th September

Time: 09:00 – 17:30
19b Jacaranda Ave (off Parel Vallei Rd)

Fee: R850 to set own constellation
R300 for those representing

Registration and Booking


1/2 day Family Constellations Development Study Group

Date:   Saturday 4th October 2014
Time:  12:30 – 17:00
Venue: Muizenberg

Fee: R250

Registration and Booking